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Use the grid and the slider to find the value of $2x-3$ for each value of $x$ shown in the table below. Notice that $x$, $2x-3$, or both may be negative.
When $x=0$, notice that we draw a black line of length 2 at the bottom of the grid in place of the rectangle for $2x$. This is to remind you that the expression $2x-3$ includes $2x$, but the current value of $2x$ is zero.
Use the grid and the slider to find the value of the expression $-y+2$ for each value of $y$ shown in the table below. (Remember that a negative number times a negative number is positive.)
Use the grid and the slider to find the value of $-2y-6$ for each value of $y$ shown in the table below.
The Mathscribe Fruit Stand has decided to give away bananas to their first $3$ customers. If they set aside a total of $b$ bananas to give away, they can give each customer $$b/3$$ bananas.
For each value of $b$ in the table below, slide the slider, look at the grid, and find the number of bananas that each customer gets. (Remember that the height of a rectangle equals its area divided by its width.)
Now the fruit stand is giving away fruit pies. They want to give away a total of 6 pies. So, if $c$ customers show up, they can give each customer $$6/c$$ pies.
For each value of $c$ in the table below, slide the slider, look at the grid, and find the number of pies each customer gets.
Now the fruit stand is giving away a total of 9 pies. If $c$ customers show up, that means they can give each customer $$9/c$$ pies. The fruit stand might give each customer a fractional number of pies, depending on what $c$ is. For example, if 2 customers show up, each customer will get $$9/2=4.5$$ pies.
For each value of $c$ in the table below, find the number of pies each customer gets. If each customer gets a fractional number of pies, write that number as a decimal.